December is fast coming to a close and we have been busy.
On the weekend of December 13-14 we helped out at Hyme Rabinowitz' Open Day weekend - the 17th of these occasions - this time at Hyme and Jeni's home on Eagle's Nest. Hyme sold pots and some other artists sold their creations as has become the tradition over the past 5 or more years. It was well attended and good weather prevailed which was important since most things were set out on the lawn. Snacks were sold to benefit a local charity called Abalimi which focuses on teaching people how to grow vegetables and food for themselves and provides the materials for making that happen.
Hyme sat in a chair and was busy talking with both old friends and making new ones from 10 am till 5 pm. Between the beautiful setting and people thinking that this could well be Hyme's last open day - he is 88 now and quite frail -many friends and other artists came. He seems to remain alive primarily by his goodwill and gentle spirit.
We also could not resist adding to our own Hyme collection and we are already using the pieces regularly. Through Hyme's work and Michael's example I have come to appreciate that beautiful pots are to be used not just put on a shelf. (although they look wonderful there when not in use.)
While Michael helped at the sales table with a friend named Lee, I was lucky enough to help two of the craft artists there- a woman potter who makes amazing porcelains with delicate designs through which light shines called Lisa Ferier and a young woman called Saskia who makes necklaces using an array of interesting and often antique African beads collected from many different countries. There was also a mother daughter jewelry team and our friend Margrit selling the last of the Thula Thula clothing that she and Jeni had made a few years ago.
The first photo shows Jeni sitting with an Italian woman here on a two year stint with her husband and the fabulous jeweler some of you know from pieces she has made for us - the woman known to all here simply as "Jane the jeweler". Jeni is showing off one of Saskia's more elaborate pieces to both of them. Paula is on the left, Jeni in the middle, Jane on the right.
One of the other treats that weekend was walking on Eagle's nest and seeing three Cape Eagle owls that roost in an old wood pile there. One of these days we hope to get them on film but meanwhile we enjoy visiting them.