Tuesday, May 18

A Dinner for Danielle

Americans in Cape Town - Toni, me, Danielle

We were fortunate on Sunday evening to host Danielle and other Rotary friends and family at our home. Danielle is leaving Cape Town this week and we all wanted a chance to share and celebrate her time here in South Africa.

Our guests were Danielle, of course, her friend David, a fellow Masters student at UCT who is studying solid state physics - hard! and Toni, fellow American and Rotary scholar, plus Willy and Frauke, who was Danielle's counselor at our Club. Jeremy came with Debbie and her children Rebecca and Keenan which was delightful. Rebecca is almost 17 and Keenan is just five. He gamely stayed awake until after 9 pm.

The cooks: Debbie, Frauke, Michael, Toni & me

Frauke's salad & Michael's fish

As usual, everyone contributed to making the meal easy and delicious. Debbie brought snacks, Frauke salad and Toni dessert. Toni made an apple crisp, a real American dish, at least we thought it was typically American. Oddly though, Danielle was not too sure what is was - how funny and easy it is to make assumptions - a good reminder not to do so. Michael was in charge of the main dish making red snapper, green beans and rice - he really knows how to cook fish - yum :) It is fabulous to live near the ocean and be able to buy freshly caught fish!

Sitting down to dinner

hanging in front of the cozy fire

Not much to report except that we had fun - Keenan and Toni were taken with one another - she played ball with him in front of the fire. Keenan also wanted to play with the dogs but Tara was aloof and Emma just plain avoided him - too bad because he was being very sweet with them. We chatted, sipped, ate and chatted some more.

Rebecca took control of the camera and took some wonderful pictures for us. Her still life of the protea bouquet is really stunning - an obviously artistic young woman. It was a nice break for me to have someone else take over the camera and help record the evening.

We know we shall see Danielle again, whether it is here or, for Michael and me, more likely, in the US.

Best wishes Danielle!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Keenan and I are best friends! Love the entry, the pictures, and most of all, the captions!